After School Clubs
Technology in Play work in partnership with schools to support in providing an introduction to STEM education for primary aged children. These take place as fully managed after school activities hosted exclusively for children attending those schools. If you would like to discuss hosting a club please contact your local team.
TiP after school clubs are aimed to engage curious minds and extend learning beyond the primary curriculum as we explore the world of STEM using fun and interactive experiments, challenges and games. Through play and discussion, over the school year we introduce children to all three areas of science, the basics of coding and three branches of engineering. Our goal is to ignite a passion and interest in children who were perhaps unaware of the opportunities that STEM can provide.
Science - Through discovery and experimentation we investigate the components of a fair test, explore body systems in biology and create crazy chemical reactions.
Engineering - We encourage children to think like an engineer as we explore structures, mechanics and electronics, illustrating the importance of planning, creativity, risk taking and asking questions.
Technology - Using our favourite tech toys, we teach children a tangible programming language without the overuse of screens.
In School Workshops
Perfect for an end of term treat, a regular cover for PPA or just an opportunity to try something new we can provide in school workshops for all pupils from Nursery to Year 6. We provide tools and resources often inaccessible to schools. Whether your class is coding with robot mice or creating circuits with play-dough, no matter what the topic we will do our best to find a suitable fit.
Some examples of school workshops:
General introduction to coding
Maths Day - Coding with focus on shape and angles
Outdoor Learning Week - Screen-less coding outside
Materials - Conductivity with play-dough