STEM is an acronym we are hear a lot at the moment; it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Why are we hearing so much about it? STEM industries are seeing a huge skills gap and this gap is only getting wider as demand grows and supply is yet to increase. Even careers which we view as traditionally less technical, like farming, are using some of the most advanced forms of technical engineering. However, fewer and fewer students, especially girls, are taking STEM beyond compulsory education and into industry. This is important because by achieving gender parity in the workplace and engaging girls, STEM industries could significantly close that gap.
Here at TiP we endeavor to engage curious minds from a young age in order to ignite their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We believe it is essential that children, of all ages, have the opportunity to properly engage with STEM and what is has to offer before they make educational decisions which shift them away from potential careers in these industries. The starting point for STEM is provoking curiosity in children, which doesn’t need to be complex. Activities which encourage self-discovery, learning through failure, team work and problem solving can contribute to later engagement in STEM careers.
It is with this in mind that Technology in Play was born. We appreciate the need for introducing STEM at an early age but in a way that remains immensely fun and engaging. Through experimenting, building, crafting and coding we assist in the development of, not only an interest in STEM, but excellent communication and teamwork skills.

Meet the Founder
Hi, I'm Nicki...
In the last few years we have seen our kids in Education become focused more and more on Academia, testing and examination, I wanted to create a space where all children could engage with STEM and see the creative and fun side of these traditional academic subjects. I’m an IT Specialist but spend much of my time working with people and coming up with innovative solutions to problems as opposed to sitting at an isolated desk tinkering.
There is a lot of information about STEM in education and in industry available but here’s what it means for me;
There is a huge gap between the number of jobs in STEM fields and the people available to fill those roles. In the next few decades more jobs are expected to be created in STEM and the gap is expected to get wider. There are several reasons why we do not have enough people to fill these roles but the one that really rang true for me was the perception of STEM roles as ‘Academic’ and only available to those with this perceived academic mindset. This perception starts at a young age, and particularly with girls, and children soon disengage with STEM. With a young child (that’s mini-Boss in the photo) who, like every parent, I wanted to raise with access to all opportunities, I looked at how I could maintain and get ahead of this disengagement. With this as the vision, after months of research and a Dragons Den style pitch Technology in Play was created. I forged ahead with creating activities where children could learn to problem solve, be curious, and make mistakes, as these are the key fundamentals of thriving in STEM industries.
I am really proud of what we have built here at TiP and my dream is for TiP to grow to offer Parents and Schools opportunities by a network of franchises across the UK, and potentially further. Whatever you reason for visiting our site, Parent, Teacher, or a STEM professional we are delighted you have come here to find out more and hope you leave feeling inspired.