Frequently Asked questions
Do I have to manage my franchise alone?
Of course not! If you are interested in working with a business partner we would be happy to support this. We would discuss with both of you how this would look and help you develop some strategies.
Can I run my franchise part time?
Absolutely, your potential earnings are directly related to your schedule and how many classes you chose to run. It may be that you deliver a smaller number of classes whilst you find your feet and then add more if you have the time.
Will I need additional staff?
To begin with you will able to lead the majority of your timetable solo. However, as your franchise grows and you look to expand your offerings logistically you may find it beneficial to hire extra people who can deliver on your behalf.
How much time is spent on activity prep?
This completely depends on the type of activity, who you are delivering it to and whether you have delivered this session before. Some activities will not need any preparation apart from gathering materials whilst some will require some forward planning and pre-preparing. As you repeat activities this prep time will reduce as you will already have things in place.
What size car do I need?
Again, the amount of equipment you need to carry will slightly change from week to week. Camps and parties usually require the most resources however these will always fit into the boot and back seats of a regular sized hatchback.
What will I be doing when I’m not delivering?
To make your business successful you will spend a proportion of your time on marketing through social media and networking in your local area. Bookings and payments are done on an online system which will need to be managed as well as answering general enquiries and booking venues via emails.
Do I need an accountant?
We recommend you contact an accountant to get your company set up initially and maintain an ongoing relationship to support you throughout the process.
What will be my ongoing costs?
You will have a monthly license fee but the rest of your outgoings will differ depending on your personal choice. You will need to consider advertising fees, venue hire, restocking consumables and travel.
Do you provide insurance?
It will be your responsibility to source business insurance and public and employer’s liability insurance. Copies of which will need to be provided to TiP Head Office.
I’ve signed my contract but decide it’s not for me, what do I do?
We recognise the success of your business will depend on your personal motivation. Should you decide this is no longer the right path for you we will work alongside you to sell your Franchise. Technology in Play will not be able to offer a refund should you choose to surrender your license.